Minutes to Spare

Use our dedicated hashtag

Hashtag #museummakers

We know you love being a Museum Maker, so why not shout about it! Let all your friends know about the revolutionary ;) new project you’re a part of. Create your own blurb, encourage others to join in the conversation and send #museummakers out into the twttersphere

Why should I do this?

A hashtag in its simplest form is a relevant word or series of characters preceded by the #symbol. Hashtags help to categorise messages and can make it easier for other Twitter or Instagram users to search for tweets or posts.

It will also help:

  • Spread the word about the project
  • Drive conversations
  • Find out who else is a part of the team
  • Help us to deliver our social media plan
  • Network
  • Make the most out of the little sociable marketer that’s inside you

How do I do this?

Step 1: Sign up to museummakers.co.uk

Step 2: Accept the challenge

Step 3: Log into your twitter or instagram account

Step 4: Hashtag away #museummakers #museummakers #museummakers

Ideal Skill

  • Social Media

Ideal Interests

  • Event & Project Management
  • Events and Programming
  • Marketing and communications

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